Growing up I never remembered my parents have much trouble with the many trees on our acre of property in northeast Ohio. Fast forward to now and it seems like every time I turn around, we’re preparing to take down massive 60″ diameter trees. We have had everything from lightening strikes and borers to sudden oak disease. This past year after a ton of research and removal of three massive trees (which put me into a total depression) I decided to take action. I looked at a variety of systemic pesticides to help eradicate the borers and insects that were invading my old, beautiful trees. I applied Compare-n-Save Systemic Tree & Shrub Insect Drench to the trees that were having trouble. What a difference! The application is absorbed by the roots of the tree and taken upwards all the way to the tips. When an insect bites the tree tissue or leaves, they die. My Linden trees that would normally be completely eaten alive by Japanese Beetles and drop leaves in mid June were now thriving. *It is not recommended to do these treatments on flowering trees such as the Linden trees which I happened to have overlooked that part when I did the application this year. The large oak trees that are majestic and hundreds of years old fully leafed out! They looked better than they ever have. The best part about the treatment is that it’s control for 12 months. It is a bit pricey but I am so happy I decided to try this. I’m hoping that all of the borer eggs that hatched and tried to eat the inside tree tissue have died this season and that next season I will witness and even greater output of leaves. If a tree goes into a stressful situation, it actually produces a hormone that attracts insects like borers to the tree. If you see holes in your tree, I highly recommend you systemically treat.